Dr. Don McCulloch

When They Don’t Call Anymore

When They Don’t Call Anymore

We have all heard of empty nest syndrome – when the last child leaves home and then the parents experience symptoms of depression. Most people probably do not take this too seriously – at least not until you are the one caught in its throes. It can cause significant symptoms of depression and negative emotions for some. Not surprisingly there is a fair amount of solid research on this topic. I would like to share that with you. But first, one story…

God Knows About Estrangement

God Knows About Estrangement

Parents naturally try to closely orchestrate or micro-manage the experiences of their children, hence the term “helicopter parent”. A writer from the New York Times was quoted as saying that presently “all parenting is anxious parenting”. Helicopter parenting has even given way to “lawnmower parenting” – where the parent “mows down” all the obstacles in their child’s life.